John R. (Dick) Coupe was elected to the Texas Silver Haired Legislature (TSHL) in 2019. His decision to run for office was based on his desire to assist in the improvement in the quality of life for the many Older Texans in this great State of Texas who are disadvantaged from lack of housing, health care, income, employment opportunities, and communication facilities. Mr. Coupe is a sponsor of the Resolution for Continuing Education for the Worker 60 and Older for Returning to the Advanced Technical Workplace.

After living in Texas for over 50 years, Dick Coupe considers himself a naturalized Texan even though he is a Kansas native. He grew up on a farm near Effingham in northeastern Kansas, and graduated from high school at Maur Hill/Mount Academy in Atchison, Kansas. He has a B.S. in Agriculture from Kansas State University and a M.B.A from the University of Dallas.

After release from active duty from the United States Air Force as a procurement officer, Dick spent 45 years in the Electronics/Telecommunications industry. One of the highlights of his career was being chosen for the President’s Executive Exchange program in Washington  D.C. during which he was a member of the team that converted the U.S. Postal Service to a quasi-private organization.

With the Texas Silver Haired Legislature (TSHL), he is the Dallas County Representative at Large. He serves on the TSHL Executive Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee. He serves on the Advisory Committee for the Dallas County Area Agency on Aging and on the Advisory Committee for the Senior Source Advocacy Group on Aging.

Upon retirement, Dick volunteers as a certified master gardener and a certified master naturalist in Dallas County. He is a past president of the Texas Master Gardener Association, North Texas Master Naturalist chapter, and the Dallas County Agriculture Club.

Dick is married to Jean, his wife;  they live in North Dallas. They have a son, a daughter and one grandson.

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